The California Cradle-to-Career Data System Workgroup and its various subcommittees and advisory groups have been...
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Governance Decisions are Critical to the Success of California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System
California’s planning process for a “Cradle-to-Career” data system has reached a critical juncture, as the Workgroup charged with making recommendations about the system considers governance options and the selection of an entity to manage it. Past efforts to develop a statewide data system in California were stymied over concerns about the make-up, roles, and responsibilities of the entity selected to manage the system, and how data collected by that entity would be used and by whom.
Use Drives Quality: Considering Data Quality Issues in California’s Pursuit of a Cradle-to-Career Data System
These briefs address important data quality considerations as California takes steps toward building a longitudinal student data system to support efforts to improve student progress and outcomes from preschool through higher education and into the workforce. It is an addendum to EdInsights’ four-part series examining California’s approach to student-level data, aimed at supporting the state’s Cradle-to-Career Data Workgroup and other stakeholders as they make critical decisions about the structure and function of this important resource for educators, researchers, and students and their families.
INFOGRAPHIC: California’s Existing Student Data Framework vs. a Centralized Data Warehouse Model
Infographics developed for the series California Education Policy, Student Data and the Quest to Improve Student Progress comparing the difference between a California’s existing student data framework and a centralized data warehouse model.
California Education Policy, Student Data, and the Quest to Improve Student Progress
California Education Policy, Student Data and the Quest to Improve Student Progress examines California’s approach to gathering and sharing data on student progress through the public education system. The four reports in the series look into the perspectives of state and local leaders with regard to the responsibility for gathering and sharing statewide educational data across systems.
A Hunger for Information: California’s Options to Meet its Statewide Education Data Needs
This brief is the final in a four-part series examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through the state’s education systems.
Scaling Goodwill: The Challenges of Implementing Robust Education Data Sharing Through Regional Partnerships
This brief is the third in a four-part series examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through the state’s education systems.
California’s Maze of Student Information: Education Data Systems Leave Critical Questions Unanswered
This brief is the second in a series that is examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through state’s education systems.
Gaps in Perspective: Who Should Be Responsible for Tracking Student Progress Across Education Institutions?
This brief is the first in a series that will explore California’s approach to tracking, sharing, and using longitudinal data about student progress throughout the state’s education systems.