Infographics developed for the series California Education Policy, Student Data and the Quest to Improve Student Progress comparing the difference between a California’s existing student data framework and a centralized data warehouse model.
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California Education Policy, Student Data, and the Quest to Improve Student Progress
California Education Policy, Student Data and the Quest to Improve Student Progress examines California’s approach to gathering and sharing data on student progress through the public education system. The four reports in the series look into the perspectives of state and local leaders with regard to the responsibility for gathering and sharing statewide educational data across systems.
A Hunger for Information: California’s Options to Meet its Statewide Education Data Needs
This brief is the final in a four-part series examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through the state’s education systems.
Scaling Goodwill: The Challenges of Implementing Robust Education Data Sharing Through Regional Partnerships
This brief is the third in a four-part series examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through the state’s education systems.
California’s Maze of Student Information: Education Data Systems Leave Critical Questions Unanswered
This brief is the second in a series that is examining California’s approach to gathering and sharing longitudinal data about students’ progress through state’s education systems.
Roles for County Offices of Education to Support College and Career Readiness: Bridging California’s Vision with Local Implementation Needs
This brief focuses on the potential role of County Offices of Education (COEs) in bridging the state’s vision for college and career readiness with the implementation needs of local districts and schools. After summarizing the work of 10 COEs that are known for supporting districts in increasing college and career readiness, the brief raises questions and outlines concerns in this area for COEs across the state.
Beyond the Open Door: Increasing Student Success in the California Community Colleges
This report provides detailed analyses of factors related to student success, connects those factors to state and institutional policies, and offers recommendations for policy reforms. It includes a qualitative analysis of the California Community Colleges’ assessment and placement process.
On the Durability of The Master Plan in the 21st Century, or “If it’s breaking, why isn’t anyone fixing it?”
This article analyzes the reasons why the Master Plan, adopted in 1960, has largely resisted attempts at revision in spite of numerous calls for some substantive changes.
Capacity Constraints in California’s Public Universities: A Factor Impeding Transfer?
This report examines the issue of capacity constraints in California’s public universities, and whether limited capacity is a factor impeding the success of the community college transfer function.
An Accountability Framework for California Higher Education: Information Public Policy and Improving Outcomes
This report responded to a request by the state Senate to begin developing an accountability system for higher education to measure progress toward definable state policy goals. The report formed the foundation for legislative efforts to establish a state accountability system.