Building Cohesion to Support Student Success: The Role of CTE in Unifying California’s Community College Initiatives


November 2024

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Education Insights Center (EdInsights) or the California Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP).

Laura Lara-Brady

Laura Lara-Brady, Ph.D., WestEd

In our ongoing conversation about improving student success with cohesive and streamlined frameworks, the final installment of our blog series will spotlight the vital connections between active frameworks and initiatives that can augment the economic and social mobility of students. By systematizing  the intricacies of ongoing funding and regulations, we can pave the way for a more outcome-driven approach. A more cohesive system would allow colleges to shift from navigating complex funding requirements to innovating and expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings that lead to high-quality, well-paying jobs. It would also enable researchers to more effectively collect and analyze data, ensuring that programs are adapted based on evidence of what works for student success. In building on our first blog post, Building Cohesion Among Current Frameworks and Initiatives Statewide for Optimal Student Success, we will delve into the ways in which existing frameworks and initiatives, such as Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) and Vision 2030, can be leveraged to construct an equitable and streamlined system that promotes and ensures pathways for students to thrive, especially marginalized students. 

Nancy Bailey

Nancy Bailey, MPP, William S. Hart Union High School District

Historically, CTE programs have been instrumental in preparing students for the workforce by providing them with practical skills and hands-on experience. These programs offer a powerful medium to bring together various funding initiatives and frameworks within California’s community colleges. These programs, with their focus on practical, skills-based education, are uniquely positioned to address the dual needs of workforce development and student achievement. By aligning CTE programming with the goals of SEA and Vision 2030, we can create a more unified approach to educational funding and program design – one that is simultaneously attuned to the demands of the labor market and the aspirations of our diverse student population.

SEA’s commitment to closing achievement gaps and supporting equitable outcomes for all students perfectly aligns with the hands-on, career-focused mission of CTE. At its core, SEA centers on the activities and practices of community colleges that advance a systemwide goal to eliminate achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented groups. By targeting resources and providing support for high quality CTE programs, we can foster an environment where all students are afforded the opportunity to acquire the skills and credentials needed for gainful employment in high-demand career industries. This targeted approach doesn’t just uplift students; it also benefits the economic needs of the community and state at large.

Vision 2030’s long-term planning, with its emphasis on boosting degree and certificate completion rates, also aligns with the strengths of CTE. The purpose of Vision 2030 is to help the state achieve its goal of 70% of working-age Californians attaining a postsecondary degree or certificate by 2030. By ensuring that CTE curricula are responsive to the evolving demands of the job market, we can provide clear and direct pathways for students to transition from California’s education system to gainful, family-sustaining employment. This alignment ensures that our community college system does more than just produce graduates – it secures the development of a robust and skilled workforce that will propel California’s economy forward.

CTE funding structures align with supporting student success as they are structured to respond to localized needs, resource availability, and industry demand in the implementation of high-quality CTE programs. California places a strong emphasis on collaboration between education and industry, as many CTE programs are developed and maintained in partnership with industry professionals to ensure that the skills taught are relevant to current and emerging job markets. Work-based learning experiences such as job shadows, internships, and apprenticeships are key components of CTE, providing students with real-world experience and often leading to better job prospects upon graduation. Furthermore, they have been very helpful in broadening opportunity pathways for youth from underserved backgrounds. This collaborative framework between employers and educators helps to ensure that students are equipped for the jobs of tomorrow and understand the economic implications of pursuing different employment opportunities. 

As we continue to build cohesion among educational frameworks statewide, the integration of CTE stands out as a beacon of practical strategy. By weaving together the strengths of SEA and Vision 2030 with the robust, career-focused framework of CTE, students can ensure that they are not just equipped with degrees but with the skills and opportunities to achieve economic and social mobility. In addition, by bridging the gap between education and employment with a continued lens towards economic mobility for marginalized students, CTE can be a powerful tool to lead the way in creating a more prosperous and equitable society. Let’s continue to work together to make these connections stronger, for the betterment of our students and the future of our state.

For a deeper dive into the strategies and examples of how to incorporate an equity lens into CTE, please visit our article Building Cohesion Among Current Frameworks. Join us in this essential conversation and be part of shaping a future where we center students’ needs and streamline available funding sources to build a system that creates and promotes the kind of pathways that all students can thrive upon.